.. highlight:: bash Customizing =========== If you are going to run your own instance of Between the Bars, great! But there are several things you should change first. Site name --------- Templates all over the site refer to `{{ site.name }}` -- on our site, that's "Between the Bars". Set your site's name using the admin interface. 1. Log in as a superuser or staff user 2. Navigate to ``/admin/sites/site/`` 3. Change the domain and display name to suitable values. Return address --------------- Change the default organizational contact and mailing address. 1. Log in as a superuser or staff user 2. Navigate to ``/admin/profiles/organization/`` 3. Change the name, mailing address, and personal contact of the organization. Templates and branding ---------------------- The following templates contain Between the Bars branding and should be modified to suit your organization. Please fix anything that would create confusion for users: * ``scanblog/templates/site_base.html``: change the contact address. * Everything in ``scanblog/templates/about/``, particularly: * ``index.html``: replace with your own "about" info. * ``dmca.html``: put your own DMCA contact info in * ``terms.html``: put terms for your organization, referencing your name * ``privacy.html``: put a policy for your organization, referencing your name and URL * ``faq.html``: change authorship, contact address, and other details * ``guidelines.html``: change contact address. * ``scanblog/templates/home.html``: Remove/change quotes and names to suit your organization. Make yer home page pretty. * ``scanblog/tempaltes/500.html``: put your own URL in. * Change logos referenced in: * ``scanblog/templates/site_base.html`` * ``scanblog/templates/home.html`` Terms to grep for in the templates include:: grep -Ri between scanblog/templates/ grep -Ri detar scanblog/templates/ grep -Ri civic scanblog/templates/ grep -Ri '\bmit\b' scanblog/templates/